Art Logistics & Support Services

Our Fine Art Support Services include Collection Management

Collection Management

When you have a large collection of art work, inventory and organization is crucial to preserving your pieces. Art Work FAS offers art storage & logistic management services, which means that we not only store your fine artwork, but we also log your items using our proprietary system. As requested, we provide condition noting, which are documents detailing visual observations of any given work. These logistics management documents are used both to track the condition of the artwork, and for insurance purposes, especially when transport is involved.

If you are an artist who needs to house your collection in our storage facility, when you need to move artwork to an exhibit or require art transportation for a sold piece to a client, we will pack and transport those pieces for you. We also track your artwork whenever it leaves our storage to ensure that it either returns to us post showing or is successfully delivered to your clients.

If you have never tracked your collection before, we can offer a descriptive inventory management of all of your artwork in the form of a spreadsheet with images, with every piece labeled for easy identification. This gives you the ability to pull out, identify, and/or show certain pieces to prospective buyers as needed.

Our Fine Art Support Services include Art Work Restoration & Preservation

Restoration & Preservation

Art Work FAS partners with a number of art conservators and restorers, and can pair you with any specialists you might need for your unique collection.

We can coordinate the transportation of individual works to the conservator, or provide space for conservation onsite at one of our facilities.

Some artwork needs regular preservation maintenance to prevent the damage from the passage of time or the environment. We can coordinate this maintenance for you whether your artwork is in our care or on public or private display. While we have the most extensive network of partners in the Pacific Northwest, we can find conservation and preservation experts for you anywhere in the country.

Our Fine Art Support Services include Art Consultation

Art Consultation

Coast-to-coast, we work with many consultants and advisors we can connect you with if you are looking to acquire or deaccession pieces of your collection. In our vast network, we’ll find an advisor for you who specializes in the specific medium, style, region, or artist you desire. If you would like to identify your style and/or make investments for personal or financial benefit, we can introduce you to a consultant who can help you with that as well.

Our Fine Art Support Services include In-Home Design Services

In-Home Design Services

As artists, we have a highly trained eye for aesthetics, and frequently advise clients as to the best placement for optimal enjoyment of their artwork. We offer a wide range of in-home design services, including recommendations for display or making tweaks (both minor and major) to address site-specific concerns. At times we might enlist the help of a local designer or curator to assist with displays of larger collections. Please note that we are providing in-home design services for art and art collections, not Interior Design—though we definitely have some great Interior Designers in our large network of clients and partners!

Our Fine Art Support Services include Fine Art Protection

Fine Art Protection

Every art shipment includes federally-mandated limited liability coverage, which pays out at 60 cents per pound. For high-value, one-of-a-kind, original, or highly-sentimental artwork, we strongly recommend purchasing supplemental insurance to protect your collection.

We partner with Huntington T. Block and are able to provide custom quotes on protection for items in transit, during installation, or while in storage. Due to the care we take in all handling, our claims history is one of the best in the industry and qualifies Art Work FAS for ideal pricing, which we are able to pass along to our clients.  

For clients insured under their own corporate umbrella, homeowners’ insurance, or fine art policy, we can assist with completion of insurance documentation. This is often a requirement when items are in storage or when moving large or high-value collections, as it allows insurers to more effectively evaluate risk. For museums coordinating loans through multiple lenders, we are often able to minimize protection costs by independently valuing each transport segment under our care.

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Let our team of experts provide the art support services you need.